SoundTraxx with Mark Stanley

"The Perfect Blend of All Things Jazz"

Music Submission Information


Please read carefully. Your cooperation will help us avoid delays in sampling your material for possible airplay.

Our programme is album-cut based, tracing our beginnings back to the original Quiet Storm/Smooth Jazz formats which emerged in the mid-70’s to early 80’s.

Please submit your entire CD album as soon as it becomes available. This allows us to select and present your best work up front, and maximizes your opportunity to be heard. Your album may be submitted physically (by mail) or digitally, using the file transfer service of your choice. All digital music files must be hi-res (WAV, AIFF, or 320 or greater mp3/AAC).
If you wish to submit a physical CD, please write us (email address is below) to obtain our current postal mailing address. Submissions arriving “Postage Due” will be returned.

If your material is chosen for airplay on SoundTraxx, we will notify you late in the month prior to air. In return, we encourage you to actively participate in the process by informing your fanbase of your upcoming SoundTraxx appearance, using all your social media platforms, promotional emails, and personal websites. Make sure to inform us of your email address when submitting your music.

Please note that airplay cannot be guaranteed.

Important to know: We are unable to audition music via streaming services, videos, artist websites, social networking venues, links sent to us by artists, or by invitations to purchase music. We do not respond to messages asking us to express prior interest, request songs for airplay, or provide feedback in advance of submission. For airplay consideration, please submit your music directly to us, using the methods designated above.

Due to the volume of correspondence and submissions we receive, sometimes it takes more time to get back to you than we would prefer. Our thanks in advance for your patience.

Thank you for your interest, and participating with us on SoundTraxx !

Email us:

Privacy Policy: We never collect or distribute personal information from anyone. Please direct all questions regarding our programming or music selections to the station(s) you're enjoying.